Welcome to LifesizeCutouts.com.au, we hope you find something of interest. LifesizeCutouts.com.au is part of our business "Funprint". My wife and I started Funprint in 2009 for a number of reasons.
Over the years, as people knew or found out that I was involved in printing, we were continually asked to get something printed, help with a design etc. For a long time we resisted the temptation to start a business. However, things got the better of us, and Funprint was born. We liked the name as it described what we wanted to do, to have fun in the business, and to produce fun products.
LifesizeCutouts has a very exciting range of items with a broad market, not only for parties and the like, but also for corporate functions, trade shows, conferences, retail displays, theatre props etc. - the list goes on.